
Name: Alucard
Anime: Hellsing Ultimate
Alucard is the main protagonist of the Hellsing anime and manga series. He is a powerful vampire that stores the strengths of his defeated opponents within himself. He is the secret weapon of the Hellsing Organization and subordinate to Master Integra (Integra Hellsing). It seems a bit strange for an organization such as Hellsing to use a vampire to hunt other vampires and supernatural beings, but there's a good reason for it. But you'll have to watch the anime to find out.
Alucard (Dracula spelled backwards), is an evil hero of sorts. Although he fights for good when it comes down to it, he enjoys every bit of it. Every bloody detail is what he thrives on. He isn't afraid to tear his enemies up and strip them of their dignity. His fighting style is ferocious and very often, extremely cruel. He rarely shoots to kill, he rather intents to wound or dismember. Enthralled by his opponents pain, agony and humiliation, Alucard loves every minute of it.
His immortality/ invincibility gives him room to present a very egotistical facade at times. Oftentimes he will let opponents inflict, what appears to be, mortal wounds to him and instead taunts and laughs in their face when they realise they don't stand a chance. This trait appears quite often in the anime even when he faces much stronger foes.
Alucard serves a strict master-servant relationship with Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, or Integra for short. He is extremely devoted to Integra and the Hellsing Organization in general. There are numerous times throughuot the anime where the only person that can control Alucard is Integra. Integra has been connected to Alucard since her father's death in the beginning of the series. Although not much is known about the father, Sir Integra was named the new leader of the Hellsing Organization and quickly discovers Alucard's 'corpse' (Hellsing's 'greatest legacy' according to her father).