Many years in the ago, the human race was cornered into a vital prison of walls. The walls stood high and towered well above any other buildings or structures in the city. But there is damn good reason for this, and that being... there are enormous man eating 'titans' roaming the earth. These titans a very similar in appearance to humans themselves, but lacking reproductive organs and can be 100x larger too. Eren Jaeger, the son of a doctor and aficionado of the 'survey corps, bears witness to the destructive power of the gargantuan titans, and thus devotes his life to joining the survey corps' team. With many loved ones killed and eaten, Eren has only one course of action in mind...to eliminate the titans from the earth whatever the cost.
Attack on Titan has gained a large and loyal fan base over a short time, and for good reason too. The anime is somewhat unique in the essence that the art is very captivating, yet somehow 'broken' at the same time, and the plot is easy to follow as well...giant titans want to eat the humans, so the humans must survive. The massive spawn of fandom is credited also to the constant action sequences and tidbits of mystery too.
I think the anime is far from flawless a lot of the time and its popularity somewhat anti-ubiquitous. But I can't, however, deny its entertainment value and ability to enthral. The grim setting of Attack on Titan gives voice to the state of siege that humanity is under and fits the construct quite well. The medieval setting is perfectly suited and is crucial to certain aspects of the show. The concept of the 3d manoeuvre gear was played off fantastically with every action and fight scene rivalling that of even high-budget anime.

The characters are well developed yet sometimes wearisome and the background/environment is beautiful. This actually brings me to the main character of the series. Eren Jaeger is at some points overly-frustrating and seems to throw a temper tantrum to rival a two year old. But somehow the producers make this work and even develop it into a strength later on. Even though the anime is in its infancy, I believe the imperfect art, fighting sequences and general creativity give light to a great base to work with. I can't deny I enjoyed every episode and especially the tactics behind the slaying of each titan. I can't comment on plot discrepancies as the show is only in its first season. But that aside, it's still worth a watch.
- Visual setting and immersing backgrounds
- 3D manoeuvre gear is awesome
- Characterisation is still lacking
- Secondary characters can be slightly frustrating
- Too many unanswered questions in the story so far
Final Rating: 7.6/10

Attack on Titan (Shingeki no kyojin)
6th of October 2015
Name: Attack on Titan (Shingeki no kyojin)
Episodes: 25 currently
Air Date: April 6, 2011
Episode Length: 24 minutes
Directed By: Tetsuro Araki
Rating: 17+ (Graphic Violence, Disturbing Images)