Edward Elric and his younger brother, Alphonse Elric are set on journey to bring back something precious that has been lost. When the two brothers broke the first rule of alchemy, they paid the price dearly. Alphonse lost his body while Edward lost and arm and a leg trying to get Alphonse back. Unable to, he bound the soul of his younger brother to a suit of armour. To aid them on their mission, they must first uncover the mystery of the philosophers stone.
A little bit of info on alchemy before we look a bit deeper into the anime. In this world, alchemists exist, humans with the ability to perform the art of alchemical transmutation. To change and object into something else. With the basic law of equivalent exchange being... to obtain, something of equal value must be lost. Thus, we have Edward who is the famous Full Metal Alchemist. With metal limbs (called automail) to replace those that were lost, he uses the power of alchemy to transform his arm into weapons for battle.
And there are plenty of enemies to fight along the way. Notably, the homunculus...who are personifications of sin. Greed, Lust, Envy, Pride, Wrath, Sloth and so forth. This combination of alchemy and powerful foes, make for epic tides when battle time comes. Something that won't disappoint you. Sometimes you'll be laughing and other times crying. Sometimes you'll question life itself and ask yourself 'what is the truth?' And for that I would give the story 10/10.

The characters are, simply put, flawless. Each one has its own individuality and uniqueness. Something that will keep you guessing at all times. With special mention to the homunculus 'Pride' and Roy Mustang. Who are standout bad-asses.
I can't fault much at all with Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. Maybe some minor animation quality jumps and pitfalls, but it is easily overlooked amongst the pure awesomeness of the anime. If truly deserves a spot in the record books. You won't find another quite like it.
- Complexity and uniqueness of characters
- Storyline
- Questions morals and provokes thought
- Super unnoticeable animation quality deviations
Final Rating: 9/10
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
2nd of October 2015

Name: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Episodes: 64
Air Date: April 5, 2009
Episode Length: 24 minutes
Created By: Hiromu Arakawa
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)