My initial thoughts on Shiki are fairly straightforward and while the characters and plot are still developing in the early episodes, one thing is made abundantly clear. And that is the eyes and hairstyles are creepy to say the least (take a look below). I'll add a few pictures to help you understand, but for some reason this, to me, was really unsettling. Even the Funimation Dub had me shivering at times with the eerie settings and characters. I'll move into the synopsis now, but beware the eyes that see into your very soul. If it's hard to stomach early on, it doesn't get any easier.
So the plot is as follows... A small segregated country town, Sotoba in Japan, with a population below 2000, has some new people move in. Immediatly after the new people have arrived, people start dying with a strange illness. Megumi Shimizu, a fifteen year old student, has dreams of moving to a big city in order to escape the tiny village. Her dreams were cut short after she falls ill and eventually dies of what the community soon labels, an epidemic. Toshio Ozaki, the village's doctor, begins to doubt the nature of the 'disease' and soon realises he must to look toward supernatural explanation for all the deaths.
Shiki has a pretty straightforward scenario that continues to snowball into a decent little story. And I must admit I was a little freaked out during the first few episodes due to the eerie setting, strange music and chilling eyes of the characters. The drawing style was unique, but it didn't make my jaw hit the floor and by episode 18 I felt I just had to 'deal with it'. That aside, the music and soundtrack fit perfectly and will really creep you out. During the story there are a few questionable plot points that will have you asking 'why?' I can't delve too deeply into it, but when a couple of the kids in Sotoba discover what is happening, they take an approach that is exactly the opposite of what 99.9% of people would/should do.

It's another anime that asks the viewer 'Who is the real evil?' and attempts to throw some moral complications in along the way. For me, this fell short and didn't hit the mark at all. It didn't make me think too much and didn't call for difficult decision making either. As I said, the story is only decent. I wouldn't call it good even, but it was just enough to keep me watching.
The characters were....okay at best? I'm sure everyone's interpretation will be vastly different, but for me they get nothing more than a 5/10. I won't linger on them too much, but there's one or two characters that fall under the 'great' category. Namely the village doctor, Toshio Ozaki. All in all, I think I found myself watching it only to see the story through. And although there are some really cool moments, I personally found the first 5 episodes the best. My advice, go check it out on Funimation's YouTube channel or click on the episodes I have linked here. Not the best anime, but certainly not the worst.
-First few episodes are really creepy
-The music fit the scene well
-Wasn't enthralling enough
-Characters are boring for the most part with exception for a select few
Final Rating: 5.7/10

26th of October 2015
Name: Shiki
Episodes: 24
Air Date: July 9, 2010
Episode Length: 22 minutes
Produced By: Daume, Aniplex
Rating: R - 17+ (violence, profanity & horror)